Tuesday 10 December 2013


Panic call from C, she has lost her bobble hat. Not really a panic, but she really really loves her hat as it has quite a large bobble. She has searched all over, followed her tracks but cannot find it. I knitted it for her last year see here and here and C made the bobble!  She would like another one knitting exactly the same, blue then grey then red.

So, I have found the pattern (my filing system worked!) and have found some left over bits of wool. I had made another hat for a friend using the wool in a different combination - red, then grey and blue so was a little concerned I may not have enough blue but have managed to get hold of another ball.  I definitely have enough grey - but might be a bit pushed for the red!
So Chevy the Chevron cushion may go on hold for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. So horrid that the beloved hat has gone astray! I hope that you are able to make another one with the wool that you have. It is nice to know that something you made is treasured so much! xx
