Tuesday, 2 September 2014

In the garden

A productive time in the garden, I'm so glad that I did make the effort to grow things this year, not knowing if we would still be at this house or moved. (more on the renovation project in another post soon)

In the greenhouse - tomatoes, both tiny and huge beef ones
and cucumbers …...
…. lots of basil. I can feel lots of greek salads coming our way!
The crab apples are nearly ready - so soon lovely crab apple jelly.
Lots of damsons and Victoria plums too. I have frozen lots of plums for crumbles and pies for later in the year.
There are also loads and loads of blackberries in the hedge rows again this year, so my dog walking routes will be visiting all the good picking spots!

 and more figs on my little fig tree!!!!
 The vegetable garden is still productive, with runner beans and french beans, 
 and the butternut squash are really thriving - this one looks like an over grown courgette, but it is actually around 30cm long and about 15 cm across. I hope they all have time to ripen into that lovely buttery colour so they will store - if the weather forecast is correct we may still have some warm weather so that should help.

 I love being able to walk out into the garden and pick veg for us to eat.


  1. hi jilly,
    i have also a lot of blackberries in my garden and in my freezer.
    i have made blackberry vodka as a gift for christmas. and our apple tree have really a lot.of apples, and many windfall apples wait for me.It's a busy time here in my kitchen.
    Wish you a nice week,

  2. How lovely to be able to pick these wonderful veggies and fruits from your own garden! xx
