Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Hay Time

With all the lovely weather we have had recently, the country side around here has been a hive of activity - getting the hay in. The farmers have been working so hard, in almost unbearable heat, and now most of the farms around us have their big black bales stacked up. Just a few photos to record all the activity.

When the girls were younger we always went to our friend A's farm to help gather in the small bales of hay. It was a real highlight of the summer. Lots of families came along, so there were loads of children and dogs running around, and everyone mucked in gathering the bales, taking them in to the barn and stacking them. Then having a lovely supper afterwards. It was really hard work, but so much fun and one of those activities the girls will always remember from their childhood. I found a few photos from back then.

This year, mainly big bales were made and only about 100 small bales -  but I was away so missed it. I was really disappointed, but  J went along to help and all was gathered in quite quickly - they still had the supper though!

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