Monday, 27 August 2012

What a find!

Have you ever had that situation when you are sure you have that perfect piece of fabric stashed away somewhere - but just can't remember where you have put it? Well, that has kept me occupied for a few hours looking for the right box. I know I have some off cuts of pale blue fine needle corduroy in a box in our store room, it has been there for over twenty years, and I'm sure it is still there. So I have been searching... I haven't found it yet - but have found other treasures that I sort of knew where there but hadn't needed until I rediscovered them again!

Way back in the mid 70's I went to my first Laura Ashley shop in London, I think to the Fulham Road branch. There were rows and rows of the most beautiful dresses and blouses, but just starting out in my career at that time I couldn't afford to buy one. However, I could afford to buy a few bags of patchwork scraps which were being sold to avoid the material going to waste. These were off cuts from pockets or necklines, and were just right for making patchwork shapes.

Way back then, this was my first attempt at making anything in patchwork using paper pieced hexagons....

.... the idea was to make a bed quilt. I can still remember during the winter evenings sitting in the living room of the house I shared with three young teachers watching TV and making hexagons. However, other priorities must have taken over and my quilt didn't really get much further than a cushion size! Here it is, straight from the box. I still love the vast range of tiny patterns and beautiful print colours.

I must have been going through a 'blue' period then, but did have other colours as well and I still have all that beautiful fabric - newly discovered - and am now contemplating what to use it for.

 Just to get me going I have made a small (14" square) patchwork cushion using some of the reds, but I do have a few other ideas brewing. It is such a dull day here today and is pouring with rain, as you can see on the window panes

I still need to find that pale blue corduroy, so who knows what other treasures I will discover!


  1. How fabulous to find boxes of fabrics you haven't seen for a long time, and be inspired to make something new. Your cushion is lovely! Good luck with the hunt for the blue corduroy : -)

    1. I've still not found the corduroy, so had to go on a fabric shop!
